Causes of lower back pain in men and women. Treatment of acute, sharp, nagging, aching pain in the lumbar region.
1 January 2024
We will tell you everything about joint pain: causes, symptoms of the disease, types, methods of diagnosis and treatment, effective prevention.
12 November 2023
Back pain in the lumbar region: causes of pain and methods of treatment. How to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, hernia, sciatica and lumbago.
8 August 2022
onarthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease that affects the knee joint. Causes, stages of the disease, treatment and prevention.
26 July 2022
Cervical osteochondrosis of the spine and its symptoms. Effective treatment: conservative therapy, drugs and medicines, surgery. Prevention of the onset of the disease.
19 March 2022
Symptoms and pain in thoracic osteochondrosis in women, differences from men. Typical and atypical manifestations of the disease. How to eliminate signs.
18 March 2022
Back pain in general diseases, musculoskeletal origin, during pregnancy, as well as in people younger and older than 50 years. Clinical manifestations of pathologies that provoke pain. What is the risk of back pain?
27 February 2022
What to do if the neck hurts due to the pathology of the internal organs, trauma to the cervical spine, infection, cervical myelopathy, spondylosis, muscle strain or draft. How to determine the cause and get rid of pain.
8 February 2022
How to treat cervical osteochondrosis with the help of traditional medicine: recipes for rubbing and ointments, decoctions and infusions. Side effects and contraindications.
17 January 2022
Treatment of osteochondrosis at home is no less effective than taking medications. Find out which recipes to choose to relieve acute pain and avoid disability.
11 January 2022
Pain in the joints of the hands is a significant problem that overshadows and makes the most common things impossible. Causes, prevention and treatment of pain.
21 August 2021
Lower back pain can occur on the right or left. The causes of back pain are various diseases. Treatment of lower back pain is reduced to the diagnosis of pathology and the elimination of pain.
15 July 2021
If your neck often hurts, think about what is possible you have cervical osteochondrosis? How is the treatment of the disease carried out and what are the contraindications? Find out further!
15 June 2021
Back pain in the lumbar region: causes and topical treatments at home.
6 June 2021
Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies in combination with drug therapy, massage and therapeutic exercises gives positive results.
25 March 2021
Arthrosis of the hip joint: symptoms of pathology, why it appears. How to deal with the disease with pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies.
25 March 2021
Back pain, causes and which doctor is treating. Find out how back pain is treated, modern diagnostic methods. How to get rid of problems and relieve back pain.
16 January 2021
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at home: exercise therapy complex, self-massage, needle applicator, rubbing from pharmaceuticals, folk remedies and recipes (herbal infusions, compresses and applications, rubbing, ointments), prevention of exacerbations.
16 January 2021
Causes, signs and symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic spine. Treatment methods: drug therapy, gymnastics and special exercises, massage. Prevention, probable complications and consequences of the disease.
7 January 2021
Lumbar osteochondrosis. SymptomsTreatment of lumbar osteochondrosis.
15 August 2020
Arthritis and arthrosis have similar symptoms, which is why patients often think they are the same thing. But this opinion is wrong. It is important to understand how arthritis differs from arthrosis.
13 August 2020
Cervical degenerative disc disease: causes, treatment and prevention of disease.
15 July 2020
The reason for the development of lumbar degenerative disc disease has so far not established. Doctors do not exclude the reason of the transmission of the disease at the genetic level.
5 March 2020
A sedentary lifestyle, typical for office workers and those who like to relax in front of the TV or monitor screen, is often a cause of low back pain.
2 March 2020
This article is about osteoarthritis of the knee: causes, symptoms, and how treatment and prevention.
5 January 2020
Knee osteoarthritis symptoms showing gradually. Patient years could not know that he is sick, as a visible change in the shape of the knee or severe pain it does not. But subsequently, the disease can lead to serious consequences.
2 January 2020
Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, or rather, ligaments. Signs of osteoarthritis are headaches, dizziness, pain in the arms, shoulders and chest flies and colored spots before eyes, blurred vision and hearing, a ringing in the ears.
1 January 2020
Why does it appear and how does cervical osteochondrosis? What medications are used to treat? How to do exercises and massage to improve the condition?
19 December 2019
Cervical osteochondrosis is a lose disks of the cervical vertebrae, in which there is a violation of the structure and function of intervertebral disks. The sooner you start treatment, the less problems will be in the future.
3 December 2019
The symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis of all joints: ankle, knee, elbow, shoulder, wrist joints and hip. The stage of osteoarthritis and the effectiveness of different methods and ways of treatment.
22 November 2019
Symptoms of degenerative disc disease, causes and progression of the disease. How to treat the disease?
18 November 2019